Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Knitted Birds book launch

Knitted Birds knitting patterns book
I'm going to be at The Wool Bar, Worthing on Saturday 3rd October from 2-5pm, signing copies of Knitted Birds and dishing out tea and biscuits to celebrate the launch of my book.

Come along and meet me and the knitted birds, it would be lovely to see you!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Blackbird, Blackbird, Singing in a Tree

Knitted blackbird from a pattern by Nicky Fijalkowska
Nick Penny is a very talented songwriter, who has written a beautiful children's song called Blackbird, Blackbird, Sitting in a Tree. There's an equally beautiful little video that he made for the song, and it stars my knitted blackbird!

Meet Brian the blackbird - he was knitted by Eleanor Gibson, using my pattern from Knitted Birds. She did a wonderful job! Watch the video on YouTube - it's a lovely children's sing-a-long song, and you get to enjoy Brian hanging out at the Oundle Great Yarn yarnbomb, and all sorts of pretty locations around the town and countryside.

Thanks Nick! I'm so happy you made this video, it is absolutely charming.

Check out Nick's website www.nickpenny.com for more beautiful music, including Calling up the Dawn, a CD of harp, guitar, and birdsong.