Welcome in the spring with this cute 1950s knitted tea-cosy in the shape of a dove cote, and a sweet dove-shaped egg cosy.
You will need: 1oz blue and 2oz white double knitting yarn, 1 pair no 9 knitting needles, padding and lining.
Measurements: Tea cosy, round base 18 inches, 7 inches high.
Tension: 6 sts and 7 and a half rows to 1 inch.
The tea cosy: cast on 55 sts with Blue (B). K 4 rows. Proceed thus:
1st row: K (11 B, 11 W) to last 11 sts, 11 B.
2nd row: P as first.
Repeat these 2 rows 6 times more. Work 2 rows, working B over W and W over B. WOrk 14 rows as before. Now reverse colours again. Work 18 rows, then turn up wrong side of work and K tog 1 st from needle and 1 from the 1 st row worked in corresponding colour on the wrong side, thus making a tuck to represent the eaves of the roof. P 1 row, keeping continuity of colours. Work 8 rows, then dec in next and every 4th row following, thus:
9th row: (K 2 tog, K 7, K 2 tog tbl) 5 times.
13th row: (K2 tog, K5, K 2 tog tbl) 5 times.
Proceed thus until 15 sts remain. Work 3 rows. Next row: K 3 tog 5 times. Break wool, thread through remaining sts, draw up and fasten off.
Work second side of cosy in same way, reversing colours.
To make up: Join seams, leaving openings for spout and handle. Pad and line the cosy. Embroider the doorways.
The egg cosy: Cast on 32 sts with W. K 4 rows. Work 2 inches st st.
Next row: (K2, K 2 tog) to end (24 sts). P 1 row. Work 10 rows st st.
Next row: (K1, K 2 tog) to end. P 1 row.
Next row: K 2 tog to end. P 1 row. Break wool, thread through remaining sts, draw up and fasten off.
Join seam. Pad head and gather round neck. Embroider eyes and add felt beak.
OMG that chick egg warmer! Now that is brilliance!